Listar por tema "Zoonotic"
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Dirofilaria immitis proteins recognized by antibodies from individuals living with microfilaremic dogs
CARLOS IGNACIO MACHAIN WILLIAMS; OSWALDO MARGARITO TORRES CHABLE; LIGIA GUADALUPE BRITO ARGAEZ; IGNACIO RODRIGO ISLAS FLORES; CLAUDIA VIRGINIA ZARAGOZA VERA; MARITZA ZARAGOZA VERA; GUADALUPE ARJONA JIMENEZ; CARLOS MARCIAL BAAK BAAK; NOHEMI CIGARROA TOLEDO; ROBERTO GONZALEZ GARDUÑO; JULIAN EVERARDO GARCIA REJONDirofilaria immitis is a nematode that affects human health in several countries of the world. This study was conducted to examine whether serum samples from the owners of microfilaremic dogs present immunoreactivity to ...