Mostrando recursos 1-20 de 24
A cross sectional study of leptospirosis and fetal death in Yucatan, Mexico
CARLOS ENRIQUE PEREZ OSORIO; MARIA FIDELIA CARDENAS MARRUFO; IGNACIO ALBERTO VADO SOLIS; GASPAR FERNANDO PENICHE LARA; JOSE CANDELARIO SEGURA CORREALeptospirosis is a zoonotic disease affecting mainly to low income human population. Acute leptospiral infection during pregnancy has been associated with spontaneous abortion and fetal death during the first trimester and ... -
A cross sectional study of leptospirosis and fetal death in Yucatan, Mexico
Application of reverse vaccinology for the identification of epitope candidates from Rickettsia rickettsii
JUAN JOSE ARIAS LEON; KARLA ROSSANET DZUL ROSADO; CESAR ISRAEL LUGO CABALLERO; GASPAR FERNANDO PENICHE LARA; JAVIER BENJAMIN BALAM ROMERO; MIGUEL ENRIQUE ROSADO VALLADORocky mountain spotted fever is a severe disease caused by Rickettsia rickettsii that frequently causes the death of the patients. As there are not effective vaccines for this disease, we employed reverse vaccinology to ... -
Attitudes and practices from people of a Mayan community of Mexico, related to tick-borne diseases: implications for the design of prevention programs
GASPAR FERNANDO PENICHE LARA; KARLA ROSSANET DZUL ROSADO; CESAR ISRAEL LUGO CABALLERO; JUAN JOSE ARIAS LEON; FREDDY SANTIAGO PACHECO TUCUCH; JORGE EDUARDO ZAVALA CASTROTick-borne diseases are caused by several pathogens whose transmission could be associated to the life conditions of communities settled in endemic areas. We aimed to determine the knowledge, attitudes, and practices related ... -
Environmental risks and children’s health in a Mayan community from southeast of Mexico
GASPAR FERNANDO PENICHE LARA; HUGO GUADALUPE RAMIREZ HERNANDEZ; JAVIER HUMBERTO PERERA RIOS; JOSE FERNANDO MAY EUAN; GLORIA DE LOS ANGELES UICAB POOL; NORMA ELENA PEREZ HERRERAThe World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 25% of global morbidity and one-third of childhood morbidity may be attributable to environment. Low and high-income countries displayed different environmental risks. ... -
Garrapatas (Ixodidae), potenciales transmisores de Rickettsia rickettsii en un municipio con alta frecuencia de infección por Rickettsiosis
CARLOS ENRIQUE PEREZ OSORIO; LUCERO MONTSERRAT BALMACEDA; GASPAR FERNANDO PENICHE LARAEn el estado de Yucatán, la rickettsiosis del tipo Fiebre Manchada de las Montañas Rocosas es responsables de un gran número de cuadros febriles agudos, la cual es una infección producida por bacterias de género Rickettsia, ... -
Human babesiosis, Yucatan state, Mexico, 2015
CARLOS ENRIQUE PEREZ OSORIO; GASPAR FERNANDO PENICHE LARA; LUCERO MONTSERRAT BALMACEDAIn 2015, we detected clinical cases of babesiosis caused by Babesia microti in Yucatán State, Mexico. Cases occurred in 4 children from a small town who became ill during the same month. Diagnosis was confirmed using ... -
Identificación de Rickettsia spp. en garrapatas Amblyomma cajennense parasitando bovinos en ranchos del estado de Yucatán
Identificación de Rickettsia spp. en garrapatas Amblyomma cajennense parasitando bovinos en ranchos del estado de Yucatán
BERTHA MARIA GUADALUPE JIMENEZ DELGADILLO; GASPAR FERNANDO PENICHE LARA; KARLA ROSSANET DZUL ROSADO; IGNACIO ALBERTO VADO SOLIS; CARLOS ENRIQUE PEREZ OSORIO; JORGE EDUARDO ZAVALA CASTROLas bacterias del género Rickettsia son responsables de un gran número de cuadros febriles agudos en la población yucateca. Usualmente los casos están relacionados a personas que tienen contacto directo con animales ... -
Infection by Rickettsia felis in opossums (Didelphis sp.) from Yucatan, Mexico.
GASPAR FERNANDO PENICHE LARA; HUGO ANTONIO RUIZ PIÑA; ENRIQUE ALBERTO REYES NOVELO; KARLA ROSSANET DZUL ROSADO; JORGE EDUARDO ZAVALA CASTRORickettsia felis is an emergent pathogen and the causative agent of a typhus-like rickettsiosis in the Americas. Its transmission cycle involves fleas as biological vectors (mainly Ctenocephalides felis) and multiple ... -
Isolation of Rickettsia typhi from human, Mexico
GASPAR FERNANDO PENICHE LARA; JORGE EDUARDO ZAVALA CASTRO; KARLA ROSSANET DZUL ROSADO; RAUL ARTURO TELLO MARTIN; JORGE ERNESTO ZAVALA VELAZQUEZMurine typhus is a febrile illness caused by Rickettsia typhi. The clinical manifestations are nonspecific, and the signs and symptoms resemble those of several other febrile illnesses. Murine typhus can be a self-limiting ... -
Leptospirosis: una enfermedad ocupacional en trabajadores que conviven con bovinos seropositivos en el estado de Yucatán
BERTHA MARIA GUADALUPE JIMENEZ DELGADILLO; IGNACIO ALBERTO VADO SOLIS; MARIA FIDELIA CARDENAS MARRUFO; CARLOS ENRIQUE PEREZ OSORIO; JUAN JOSE ARIAS LEON; GASPAR FERNANDO PENICHE LARALa Organización Mundial de Salud considera a la leptospirosis una enfermedad ocupacional, gente a quienes sus ocupaciones los llevan a tener contacto con material infectado, corriendo el riesgo de infección con esta ... -
Leptospirosis: una enfermedad ocupacional en trabajadores que conviven con bovinos seropositivos en el estado de Yucatán
Murine typhus in humans, Yucatán, México
GASPAR FERNANDO PENICHE LARA; KARLA ROSSANET DZUL ROSADO; PEDRO GONZALEZ MARTINEZ; JORGE ERNESTO ZAVALA VELAZQUEZ; JORGE EDUARDO ZAVALA CASTRORickettsia typhi is the causal agent of murine typhus, a febrile illness affecting humans worldwide. In Mexico, recent studies demonstrated a 14% prevalence of antibodies against typhus group rickettsiae in healthy adult ... -
Presence of Rickettsia Species in a Marginalized Area of Yucatan, Mexico
Presence of Rickettsia species in a marginalized area of Yucatan, Mexico
CARLOS ENRIQUE PEREZ OSORIO; GASPAR FERNANDO PENICHE LARA; BERTHA MARIA GUADALUPE JIMENEZ DELGADILLO; MARIA FIDELIA CARDENAS MARRUFO; JUAN JOSE ARIAS LEONIn the state of Yucatan, Mexico, rickettsiosis has become a common vector-borne disease in the general population. Ectoparasite species such as Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Amblyomma mixtum have been identified as Rickettsia ... -
Rickettsia rickettsii isolation from naturally infected Amblyomma parvum ticks by centrifugation in a 24-well culture plate technique
GASPAR FERNANDO PENICHE LARA; KARLA ROSSANET DZUL ROSADO; RAUL ARTURO TELLO MARTIN; JORGE ERNESTO ZAVALA VELAZQUEZ; ERNESTO CUAUHTEMOC SANCHEZ RODRIGUEZ; JORGE EDUARDO ZAVALA CASTRORocky Mountain spotted fever is an acute illness caused by Rickettsia rickettsii (R. rickettsii) and is transmitted by the bite of ticks of the genera Dermacentor, Amblyomma and Rhipicephalus. The illness results in a high ... -
Rickettsia typhi in rodents and R. fleas in Yucatán as a possible causal agent of undefined febrile cases
Rickettsia typhi in rodents and R. fleas in Yucatán as a possible causal agent of undefined febrile cases
CARLOS ENRIQUE PEREZ OSORIO; GASPAR FERNANDO PENICHE LARA; KARLA ROSSANET DZUL ROSADO; JORGE EDUARDO ZAVALA CASTRORickettsia typhi is the causal agent of murine typhus; a worldwide zoonotic and vector-borne infectious disease, commonly associated with the presence of domestic and wild rodents. Human cases of murine typhus in the state ...